Friday, January 25, 2013

Another Post-op

Had my 4 week post-op today. Total of 32lbs down. Blood pressure is stellar, like always, and the doctor is still happy with my weightloss. The rules have changed in the last 20 days though. Originally I was allowed soft foods at 4 weeks like steamed veggies and certain meats, well not now. This doctor wants me to wait another two weeks. Ok, I'll do as I'm told but eventually I'll have to eat real food. I am still supposed to be getting 70-80g of protein a day, but I can't seem to drink that much, never could even before the surgery, so that is what I'm going to work on now. I can incorporate a more intense workout into my routine so I'm going to try Wii Zumba and get back on my elliptical. I can pull out the kettle bells and workout the arms to try to avoid flabby, chicken neck arms too.

Like B.Hipps always said....
Pain is just weakness leaving the body.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good/Bad news

So my wedding ring is too big for my ring finger now and I've had to start wearing it on my middle finger. Also the jeans I bought right before Thanksgiving because I couldn't stand wearing maternity pants anymore, are too big. I wore them today and they are baggy and I had to keep pulling them up. Ken told me that yesterday while walking behind me at the hospital, my once tight yoga pants were looking baggy in the butt and leg department. These are all GOOD things but eventually bad because I will have to fork out some cash for clothes that fit. I know "Poor Andrea she has to go buy a whole new wardrobe, WAAAAHHH!" I just know that the money could go to something more important than me and new clothes. Guess I'll just cross that bridge when I get to it. I ate refried beans with some shredded cheese mixed in for dinner and I can still feel the lump in my belly. It's gonna take some time to get back into foods that have some substance in them. My new diet consists of mashed avocados (not guacamole), cottage cheese, hummus, malt-o-meal, laughing cow cheese, popsicles, herbal tea, flavored water, and regular water. Maybe tomorrow I'll try mashed sweet potatoes?

Friday, January 4, 2013

2 weeks done

Today is 2 weeks 1 day post surgery and so far so good. I'm hungry most of the time but dinner time is turning out to be the hardest meal to deal with. Every meal smells AWESOME and it sucks.
I saw the bariatric surgeon today to have my post-op check up and to have my staples removed. He's very happy with my progress so far and wants me to come back in 3 weeks, guess today isn't the last time we drive north dammit. I can now add soft foods to my diet. I had pintos and cheese today, it was ok. I can also have hummus, mashed avocados, cottage cheese, and pudding......yum. Here's to 3 more weeks of squishy foods!