I have lost 83lbs as of 3 weeks ago. I keep forgetting to weigh myself first thing in the morning since I usually am distracted with getting Aidan ready for school and getting Emmett breakfast. By the time I get home from taking Aidan to school, I'm preoccupied with plans for the day. I am usually hungry by 8:30 so I make myself half a bagel and then eat only half of that and give the rest to Emmett, the little beggar!
Right now I am without health insurance but have applied for Healthy Families so I hope to get into the lab soon to have my blood tested to make sure that I'm getting enough vitamins and minerals since I'm consuming such little amounts of food now. I was told that between 6-9 months I could get a general idea of how much food I will be eating at each meal for the rest of my life. At the moment, Emmett is eating more than I do. At times I feel hungry but I know it's because I've went too long without eating, and I try not to do that. I'm still working on portion size and I'm trying to mentally change my addiction to food. I've found lately I have snacked because I'm bored and for some strange reason, I've been craving chocolate, which I never did even when it was "that time of the month". My new addiction I must say is Coke Slurpees. I LOVE THEM!!!!!! I want one right now but I know it's so full of sugar and I just had dinner so it would make my stomach hurt. I bought a couple pairs of skinny jeans and already one of them has went from skinny to baggy. The other pair fits perfectly and I can't wait to buy more. All the jeans I had in my drawer from before Ken and the kids are too big and have been donated to the Goodwill. There are going to be some super stylish fat girls out there I tell ya!!!
Some super exciting news (for me at least) I have lost weight in my feet too!!!! I bought a new pair of shoes that I've literally wanted for years.

Here is a current photo of me. Enjoy!

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