Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Food

Can you believe that I lost a pound even after all the yum-tastic food we had on Thanksgiving?!!!!! That brings me to a total of 36lbs lost. I was very happy to see I lost the 5 pounds that I gained back during my flu shot episode as well.

Today I plan on hitting the gym after work. My schedule is open from 3:00 - 4:30+ today so it's the perfect time to go in and get my sweat on. Tomorrow I have my second appointment with the chiropractor, which I'm looking forward to now that I know what's causing the sharp pain in my upper left & right butt cheeks. I hope our insurance covers it, we pay an arm and a leg for it so it better. Whatever bone is located below your lower back and connects your tail bone to your hip is what's messed up on me. Mine is popped out and is causing my right hip and upper thigh to be numb and makes my right leg 2" shorter than my left. It will take some time to get it back to where it should be, but I can't live with this pain in my ass (no joke) and it hurts to sit for long periods of time and that's a problem when it comes to my job.

I'm going to ask for a fill when I go in for my port flip on December 17th. I've noticed that I'm not staying full as long as I was before so that's a sign that I need to change something.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Fill

I went to have my first fill today only to find out that my port had flipped. I guess this happen in every 1 out of 200 patients. They tried to flip it back with a needle, but no such luck. The only way to correct it is to surgically flip it and use different, stronger sutures that are guaranteed not to let it move again. I'm scheduled to go back in on December 17th. On the plus side, he said I'm doing really well with no fill so I may not even need one but we still have to get the port corrected. He had me drink that chalky, gritty white crap while he watched it move through my band via an X-ray. It's moving at a very good pace and he seemed happy when we left. I also found out that all the "liquids" I've been eating are now banned. No apple sauce, yogurt, or oatmeal. I need to chew whatever I eat, including snacks.

He didn't weigh me in but it looks like I gained 5lbs over night so not sure if it's due to the extra water I was drinking to keep myself hydrated while running a fever for 2 days so I'll weigh myself again in a couple days.

Monday, November 8, 2010

1 month 8 days


I've been on solids for a few weeks now and I've found out there are a few foods that I'm not into anymore.

#1. Coffee. Yup that's right the one thing I didn't think I could ever live without has made the top of my least desired food items. I've tried a few cups and I'm just not feeling it anymore. The flavor isn't bad, I just don't want it.

#2. Raw Almonds. I still love them but they hurt like a son of a bitch.

#3. Cottage Cheese. It just doesn't taste good so why eat it?

#4. Milk. I can't get past the smell of it. It always smells sour, even when I went and bought a brand new gallon of it because I thought the previous gallon was bad. I've poured out two half gallons so far, now I ask Ken to smell it before I dump it.

#5. Carne Asada Fries. I thought for sure this would be the one thing that I just couldn't wait to have once I could eat solids again but even when I've had the chance to get them, I choose something else. Maybe deep down inside I don't think I will be able to stop at half a cup so I've made myself just not want them? If so, it was nice while it lasted you greasy, carb filled bastard but it's time you find someone else to make fat(ter).

Now cheese on the other hand, anything but cottage cheese that is, is still on my "Most Wanted" list.

No weight change. That's good but also not so good at the same time. I need to get my ass into the gym but I find that I've had too much going on after work and before picking up Aidan so I haven't went. I did get my new FitBit so I can track my calories burned again.